Embrace whole, balanced, & personalized healthcare


Heather Poblete, APN

Elemental Wellness is a Functional Medicine practice offering Virtual/Telehealth care in NJ, PA, and DE that takes a personalized, science bases approach to create a healing plan as unique as the individual.

At Elemental Wellness, we believe that Health Repels Disease. Functional Medicine asks how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root cause.

We incorporate the use of a comprehensive health history, biophysiological uniqueness, utilization of laboratory testing, medications and nutraceuticals, lifestyle modifications, and health coaching in order restore balance to the body as a whole.

Elemental Wellness also takes advantage of specialized training in Aromatherapy and Reiki.

Health is not simply the absence of disease. It is a state of resiliency and vibrancy. This is the kind of health that actually repels disease.

Functional Medicine can help with…

  • -IBS

    -Acid Reflux/GERD

    -H pylori/stomach ulcers

    -Celiac disease




    -Gallbladder conditions

  • -PMS, PMDD




    -Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • -Hypothyroid

    -Subclinical Hypothyroid


  • -Diabetes


    -Insulin Resistance

  • -Hypertension

    -Dyslipidemia/High Cholesterol

    -Elevated Cardiac Risk

  • -Hashimoto’s

    -Celiac Disease


    -Rheumatoid Arthritis

    -all other AI’s

  • and similar type conditions

  • Dr. Jill Crisa Certified

  • including chronic sinus infections, skin rashes, and hive

  • We commonly see patients with clusters of symptoms but no specific diagnosis. That’s when Functional Medicine can really shines!


    -Difficulty losing weight

    -Joint pain/stiffness

    -Poor sleep

    -Brain fog/forgetfulness


    -Mood swings, changes in mood, worsening depression/anxiety

    -GI complaints: gas, bloating, fullness

Elemental Wellness


Case Study Sarah


Sarah is 35 and has been suffering for most of her life from gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, and constipation. She also complains of fatigue, brain fog, and headaches but thinks those are just a normal part of life. After getting to know her she also admitted to often feels depressed about her lack of energy and motivation. To many people, these symptoms seem unrelated to each other, but with my understanding of the root cause of dis-ease, I can clearly see the interconnectedness of these conditions. The most important thing was to first get Sarah some rapid relief, so I suggested she start supplementing with magnesium. Magnesium is necessary for healthy and regular bowel movements and when it is deficient, it can lead to a number of other complaints such as muscle aches, headaches, and insomnia. After a few days of this she was already feeling much better.

Next, we discussed changes to her diet that eliminated some food sensitivities she was not aware of. It turned out she was sensitive to gluten and by eliminating it from her diet, her brain fog cleared, her GI complaints completely resolved, and she further improved her energy level. Once we got lab work done it was clear she had early signs of autoimmune disease because of the gluten sensitivity. Sarah was able to reverse those numbers through a specialty diet and some healing supplements. We also worked on creating a nighttime ritual to encourage deeper, more restorative sleep, and prioritized joy and fun in her life.

But we weren’t done. Over a period of weeks to months her symptoms resolved and she is now free from pain, gas, and bloating. Headaches are a rare occurrence and she is waking up feeling refreshed and ready for her day. Most importantly she is in control of her own health and knows what she needs to do in order to feel good and vibrant each day and prevent chronic disease in the future. 


Case Study


Rhonda is a 47 year old women with complaints of fatigue, poor sleep, difficulty losing weight, and irritability and anxiety. She is a single mother of 3 kids and works full time along with volunteering at church regularly. She eats a typical American diet, goes for walks 3 days per week, and likes to watch TV before bed to relax along with a glass of wine. She has seen her doctor several times with her complaints, had lab testing done, and is always told everything is ‘normal’. But Rhonda is not satisfied with this answer and knows that something is ‘just off’.

While working with me we did some specialized hormone testing that helped her to understand that she is estrogen dominant which was the cause of many of her symptoms. Through diet and lifestyle changes, prioritizing self care, stress reduction, joy, and sleep along with some specific supplements tailored to her needs, she has seen a drastic increase in her energy, lost 10 pounds without trying, and feels more fulfilled in her day to day life.

Her kids are benefiting from the positive example she is setting for them and the family has even started walking together and enjoy trying new home cooked meals on a regular basis.